Dinosaurs & Fossils
Costs apply
Please note that under our cancellation policy, if you cancel your booking for our facilitated activities within 14 days of your visit, you will be required to pay the full cost of the excursion.
Bookings are essential
Phone: (08) 9021 8533
COVID-19 Education Update
Please take the time to read our COVID-19 Education Update to find out what the Museum is doing and any impacts this may have on your planned excursion.
We Dig Dinosaurs
For Years K - 3
How do we know everything that we know about dinosaurs?
Reveal, reconstruct and investigate fossils and other prehistoric evidence, just like a real palaeontologist.
Curriculum links: Palaeontology
Fossil Forensics
For Years 4 - 7
How can palaeontology evidence reveal information about an extinct animal?
Help solve a prehistoric puzzle through a hands on investigation of a unique Australian fossil.
Curriculum links: Palaeontology