Every now and again palaeontologists come across a fossil so weird it takes decades of detective work to finally understand its relationship to other organisms. The 275-million-year-old Helicoprion is one of these enigmas.
The Western Australian Museum was part of an international team of 26 leading shark palaeontologists and neontologists who have challenged a recently published interpretation of the body shape of the megatooth shark Otodus megalodon.
Entomologists from the Western Australian Museum and University of New South Wales have made the fascinating discovery of a stink bug species that is believed to be new to science, during a two-week Bush Blitz expedition near Kepa Kurl (Esperance) in Western Australia.
A fossil lizard discovered by researchers at Flinders University and a member of Western Australian Museum staff has been described as by far the largest and most bizarre skink that ever lived.
International Museum Day Opinion Piece by Alec Coles, CEO WA Museum
On May 18th we celebrate International Museums Day.
Take a journey on one of the greatest international scientific endeavours in history through stunning 360° virtual reality when Beyond the Milky Way launches at the Museum of Geraldton on Saturday, 13 May.
New discoveries of fossil material from the North West of Western Australia, France, USA and Sweden have revolutionised the early history of megatooth sharks.