Work Placements
The Western Australian Museum provides supervised work placement opportunities (work experience and internships) to students of educational institutions to build their study-related skills. Students are given an opportunity to experience and explore the unique work environment that the Museum has to offer, and in doing so, gain skills that contribute to their career development.
Work placements are not guaranteed and will depend on the period of time and length of placement requested, and the availability of Museum employees to adequately supervise and support a student on placement.
Applications will only be considered if:
- you are currently a student in high school years 10-12, TAFE or university (undergraduate or postgraduate);
- the placement is a compulsory requirement of your course; and
- the placement is authorised by your educational institution, and they provide insurance cover for you whilst you are on placement.
How to request a Work Placement at the WA Museum
- Complete the Work Placement Request Form [DOCX 1.93MB], including the student declaration.
- Attach your resume (if available), and any introductory letters from your school/institution. If a placement is offered, a copy of the educational institution’s Certificate of Currency will be required.
- Email the completed form and attachment(s) to, unless advised otherwise.
Please read the Conditions of Work Placements before submitting a request.
Conditions of Work Placements
General conditions
- Work placements may be offered to students of educational institutions as part of structured work experience or internship programs to build their study or professional related skills. The Museum may also provide work placements to individuals who are connected to a cultural institution or other relevant organisation and who are undergoing training or professional development.
- Work placements with the Collections and Research directorate are not available to high school students due to supervision and safety requirements of the work environment. This does not apply to programs agreed between the Museum and an educational institution.
- Work placements are not guaranteed and will depend on the period of time and length of placement requested, and the availability of Museum employees to adequately supervise and support a student on placement.
- Work placement is unpaid and short-term.
- Work placement is always a matter of choice.
- Work placement is often a compulsory element of a student’s course with an educational institution.
- Work placement is not a substitute for paid work.
- Students on work placements do not replace paid employees, nor constitute a threat to the job security of paid employees.
Museum’s obligations
- The Museum will negotiate the duration of work placements, including commencement date, end date and contact hours, which will vary between each placement.
- The Museum will provide a meaningful learning experience, training or skill development to a student on placement.
- The Museum will provide the student with a suitable induction with respect to acceptable behaviour, confidentiality requirements, the Museum’s objectives and policies, including but not limited to those relating to occupational health and safety, security and emergencies.
- The Museum will provide appropriate supervision commensurate with the knowledge, skills and abilities of the student and the type of work being undertaken.
- If required, the Museum will obtain Working with Children Checks and/or implement child safe strategies.
- The Museum is responsible for the costs and expenses associated with the provision of the placement and supervision of the student.
Student / educational institution’s obligations
- A student over 18 years old shall provide a National Police Certificate, and if applicable, a Working with Children Check, at their own expense, prior to commencement of a work placement.
- The student or the educational institution will provide personal injury insurance for the student for the duration of the work placement.
- The student shall meet the dress requirements of being neat, tidy and suitable for the workplace during the work placement.
- Work undertaken for the Museum by the student during a work placement is the Intellectual Property of the Museum.
- Information obtained whilst undertaking a work placement is deemed confidential and the student must not divulge to any other party without authorisation.
- The student shall demonstrate accountable, ethical and responsible behaviour during the work placement. The Museum may terminate the work placement immediately, whereby the student is guilty of dishonesty, wilful misconduct or negligence or repeated failure to follow the Museum’s safety requirements, or the behaviour does not meet the Museum’s Code of Conduct.