The Western Australian Museum is calling for members of the public to share their thoughts about the literary works they think best reflect the spirit and place of Western Australia.
Kids, mums and dads, amateur scientists and community groups are being asked to pick up their mobile phones and head into their backyards and beyond to help save Australia’s native frogs.
An exhibition celebrating the stories and Law of Anangu culture through intricate carvings and artefacts will go on display at the Museum of the Goldfields next weekend.
An exhibition that tells shared stories about the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, or ANZAC, and Belgium during World War One is now open at the Museum of the Great Southern.
Research which notes the impact of climate change on the evolution of Australia’s native bilbies and bandicoots has featured on the cover of the prestigious Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The article was authored by the Western Australian Museum’s Mammals Curator Dr Kenny Travouillon.
The Museum of the Great Southern is proud to host a national touring exhibition about shell-stringing; one of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community’s culturally significant and closely guarded traditions.
Western Australian Museum scientists are in Geraldton looking for a land snail so rare it is presumed extinct.
Western Australian Museum visitors will be taken on a wild adventure by contemporary Aboriginal theatre performances when Boodjar Kaatijin tours regional Western Australia.
An exhibition featuring historic objects made by Albany’s Menang people nearly 200 years ago will soon return to the British Museum after being on display temporarily at the Museum of the Great Southern.
The oldest surviving car of Western Australian provenance will return to York for the first time in 115 years.
The Benz, on loan from the Western Australian Museum, will go on display at the York Motor Museum from Wednesday, 15 March 2017.