Evolution: Torres Strait Masks is an exhibition featuring 12 striking masks, objects, and related cultural materials to celebrate the rich history of mask making in the Torres Strait Islands (Zenadh Kes).
Evolution: Torres Strait Masks is an exhibition featuring 12 striking masks, objects, and related cultural materials to celebrate the rich history of mask making in the Torres Strait Islands (Zenadh Kes).
An exhibition of 12 striking masks and related cultural materials celebrating the rich and continuing tradition of mask making in Zenadh Kes (Torres Strait) opens this Saturday, 26 October, at the Museum of Geraldton.
Research which notes the impact of climate change on the evolution of Australia’s native bilbies and bandicoots has featured on the cover of the prestigious Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The article was authored by the Western Australian Museum’s Mammals Curator Dr Kenny Travouillon.
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