An exhibition reflecting on the life and legacy of Anne Frank will open at the Museum of the Great Southern.
The incredible story of 270 Australian commandos who defied all odds to hold down more than 10,000 Japanese troops in East Timor during a critical point of World War II will be told at the Western Australian Museum – Albany from February 14.
The incredible story of 270 Australians who defied all odds to hold down 10,000 Japanese troops during a critical point of World War II will be exhibited at the Western Australian Museum – Kalgoorlie-Boulder from October 26.
With the bombing of Darwin on 19 February 1942, the Second World War suddenly struck Australian shores. On the same night, Japanese troops landed in East Timor, and for the 270 Australian soldiers of the 2/2nd Independent Company a remarkable ten-month guerrilla campaign began.
The incredible story of 270 Australian commandos who defied all odds to hold down more than 10,000 Japanese troops in East Timor during a critical point of World War II will be told at the Western Australian Museum – Geraldton from July 5.