A special exhibition to mark 40 years since Australia II won the America’s Cup will take place at the yacht’s permanent home, the WA Maritime Museum, Victoria Quay, in September 2023.
International Museum Day Opinion Piece by Alec Coles, CEO WA Museum
On May 18th we celebrate International Museums Day.
Incorporating all their influences from classical to jazz, the sounds of acclaimed guitar duo, Slava and Leonard Grigoryan, will echo through the hallways of Western Australian Museum Boola Bardip and WA Maritime Museum this week.
In a collaborative effort between Fremantle Ports and Western Australian Museum, the iconic heritage cranes that grace the western end of the Victoria Quay skyline in Fremantle will be conserved and prepared for future exhibition.
Historic shipwrecks and other maritime archaeological sites stand to be better protected under the proposed changes to the 50-year-old Maritime Archaeology Act 1973 (WA).
Millions of years ago, while dinosaurs ruled the land, ferocious reptiles over 20 metres long hunted and ruled the sea.
The Western Australian Museum’s much-loved HMAS Ovens submarine is about to begin its face lift and make-over, which will include the repair and repainting of the hull surface to return the vessel to its former glory.
The WA Maritime Museum has been announced as the winner of the Interpretation Project category at the 2022 WA Heritage Award for its Fremantle Then and Now: Historical Panoramas exhibition.
Several artefacts, believed to be from Vergulde Draeck (Gilt Dragon) wrecked off the coast near Ledge Point in 1656, were returned to Western Australian Museum today.
Dr Glenn Moore is the Curator of Fish at WA Museum and the State-recognised authority for the identification and taxonomy of marine and freshwater fish. He is regularly involved in scientific projects to grow our understanding of Western Australian biodiversity and biogeography.