Several artefacts, believed to be from Vergulde Draeck (Gilt Dragon) wrecked off the coast near Ledge Point in 1656, were returned to Western Australian Museum today.
Leon Pule and Hanneley Tredoux, found the artefacts while on a camping trip and doing some recreational metal detecting in the area. The couple were unsure what they had come across but felt it was important.
The find is significant because it is another shore-based site related to the possible fate of the Vergulde Draeck survivors. The WA Museum’s experienced maritime archaeologists will examine the artefacts, and the site where they were found, to learn more about the fate of the Vergulde Draeck and its crew.
The site where these artefacts were found is protected by the State Maritime Archaeology Act 1973, and the artefacts are protected by the Commonwealth Underwater Cultural Heritage Act 2018. This means that the community is legally obliged to return any artefacts found to the WA Museum, for safekeeping, research and display.”
Vergulde Draeck sailed from Texel bound for Batavia (Jakarta) skippered by Pieter Albertsz, carrying trade goods and eight chests of silver to the value of 78,600 guilders. On 28 April 1656, Vergulde Draeck struck a reef south of Ledge Point. Seventy-five of the 193 crew and passengers made it to shore. A small boat was sent with the Under steersman (the second officer), believed to have been Abraham Leeman, and six others to Batavia (now Jakarta), arriving 40 days later.
Several attempts were made at the time to search for the wreckage and survivors. None were successful; however other boats and lives were lost as part of these attempts.
The wreck, the first of the Dutch and English East India ships found on the Western Australian coast, was discovered by five spearfishermen (John Cowen; Jim, Alan and Graeme Henderson; and Alan Robinson) in April 1963.
After a period in which both it and Batavia (found later the same year) were heavily looted, protective legislation was enacted, protecting the wreck site along with any associated sites and artefacts. Subsequently, the artefacts from the wreck site were excavated by the Museum and after extensive conservation treatment, exhibited at the WA Shipwrecks Museum.
The WA Museum thanks Leon Pule and Hanneley Tredoux for doing the right thing and returning these artefacts.