The De Boulay Creek Diprotodon Story with Dr Kenny Travouillon and Helen Ryan
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There are some giant fossil skeletons being uncovered in the Pilbara!
Dr Kenny Travouillon, Curator of Mammalogy at WA Museum, firstly shares the story of the Diprotodon fossils they have been uncovering at the De Boulay Creek site in northern WA.
Helen Ryan, Technical Officer of Palaeontology at WA Museum, will then take you through the process of excavating these precious fossils through to preparing and piecing together the giant jigsaw of a skeleton.
Find out what a Diprotodon is, what it was like when they were alive and other information learned from the fossils of these Australian megafauna. Gain an insight into the process of removing fossils from very hard Pilbara rock through to cleaning them and studying them further in the Museum lab.

Watch the video here:
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