What stories can a piece of glass found in the ocean tell us?
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WA Museum maritime archaeologists are asking this very question through exploring the chemical make-up of glass bottle fragments found on shipwrecks to see if they can help determine where the glass came from.
Dr Deb has been working in the underwater environment for over 20 years. From searching for submerged cultural landscapes in Slovenia to wreck sites in Vietnam, diving on the pirate ship Queen Anne’s Revenge in the US to the former slave-trader James Matthews in Australia, her work spans four continents and countless adventures. Dr Deb is interested in the impacts of climate change on maritime cultural heritage and enjoys using innovative techniques to discover new stories, revealing site and artefact secrets.
'More than Meets the Eye’ Classroom Resources
After you hear from our amazing researchers, download our self-led resources and undertake glass-themed activities at school to stay inspired. Our ‘More than Meets the Eye’ resources will get you thinking about glass in new ways.
‘Glass from the Past’ and ‘Mirrors and Mazes’ for primary students, and ‘Investigating Telescopes’ for secondary students, with a ‘Telescopes Student Activity Sheet’.