Creative minds, amazing ideas
Western Australians think big, bold and outside the box. We have great ideas and can meet the challenges of change.
From fashion and the arts to science and technology, the State’s makers, doers and innovators proudly take their place on the world stage.
You will see sparks of the creative process in items used by renowned brutalist architect Iwan Iwanoff, painter Robert Juniper and pioneer surfboard shaper Greg “Thunderpants” Laurenson.
Jump over to the “Wanneroo BMX” — said to be the first bicycle with front and rear suspension — made with the help of metalwork students from Wanneroo Senior High School and patented by Graham Hunt.
Be impressed by the colourful creative works of the Tjanpi Desert Weavers and learn about what inspired some of the State’s top fashion designers.
The ongoing debate about the origin of the Pavlova comes to mind via a model of the dessert credited in 1935 to chef Herbert Sache of the Esplanade Hotel.
Challenge your reflexes against an autonomous vehicle in a series of computerised exercises or get a close-up with life under the microscope.
From the everyday to the extraordinary, be energised by the wealth of creativity and ingenuity that abounds in Western Australia.


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