Terms and Conditions Drop and Leave School Holiday Programs

School Holiday Drop & Leave Terms & Conditions 2025

The following terms & conditions apply to all Drop & Leave School Holiday programs at WA Museum Boola Bardip and will need to be accepted to give permission for your child to participate and prior to dropping off your child.


Participants must be signed in and out of any workshop by a parent/adult guardian. Parents/adult guardians have duty of care and must stay with their child until 10am, or until participants are admitted into the facilitated learning space by museum staff.

Emergency contact details need to be provided at drop off along with any relevant medical, special needs and access information. The adult dropping off the child will be required to complete this form, so please ensure they are aware of all relevant information we require. If you wish to provide these details ahead of the day, please contact education@museum.wa.gov.au to be provided with a link to the registration form. 

Participants must wear closed-in shoes and bring weather-appropriate clothing and accessories.


Drop and leave programs are developed to cater for children 8 years and over. Children under this age are not permitted to be dropped off at this program and therefore cannot participate.

Food and Drink

Participants should bring food for the day and a refillable drink bottle. Refrigeration or cooking/heating equipment is not available. Nuts and/or nut products should not be included in participant lunchboxes.

Please note that participants may enter areas or come into contact with surfaces that may have been exposed to nuts, nut products, fur or other potential allergens.


If a participant’s behaviour puts themselves or others at risk, or they are unable to complete the program for any reason, the emergency contact will be contacted and required to collect the participant in a timely manner.


At drop off participants will be given the option to consent to photography, filming and digital media permissions. If consent is given, permission is granted for pictures and film of the participant to be freely used by the Western Australian Museum for promotional purposes including on its website, social media pages, marketing, publicity, advertising or educational material, as well as use by media outlets including television, print, press, online media and social media.

By dropping off your child and completing the Drop & Leave Program Registration Form you hereby give permission for your child to participate in the selected activity led by the WA Museum, agree to the above terms and conditions and below statements:

  • By agreement to these terms and conditions, the Western Australian Museum, the State of Western Australia and their employees or agents, is indemnified and released from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands (including costs) for personal injury or property damage that may be suffered or incurred as a result of participation in the designated activity.
  • I indemnify and release the WA Museum Boola Bardip against all actions, suits, claims and demands (including costs) for personal injury or property damage suffered by my child while participating in the program.
  • I understand that an authorised adult must return to the WA Museum Boola Bardip to attend to and/or collect my child should I be requested to do so by Museum staff.
  • I consent to reasonable medical treatment being obtained for my child in an emergency.


Whilst your child is in our care, we ensure they are well supervised, and their welfare protected, by implementing reasonably practicable safety measures and processes, and by maintaining emergency evacuation systems and other procedures in line with our Care of Children at Public Programs Policy.