Weaving with Sharyn Egan


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Friday 3 September 2021 | 9.30am - 12pm

Friday 3 September 2021 | 1pm - 4pm



Site access information

WA Museum Boola Bardip is fully accessible. Call 1300 134 081 for assistance. Accessible resources and programs >

This event has now finished. Please visit Tours & events to see what’s on at the Museum.

Join us at the WA Museum Boola Bardip as we celebrate NAIDOC Week 2021 and this year's theme of Heal Country!

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a strong cultural connections with their Country. These relationships are based on the traditional knowledge and practices that have been passed down from generation to generation. 

Join Sharyn Egan, a prominent Whadjuk Nyoongar artist from Perth, who is known for her work in painting, sculpture and weaving.

During these workshops, participants will:

  • Learn about NAIDOC Week and what it means.
  • Learn how to weave through binding and wrapping techniques through a hands-on experience.
  • Learn about Nyoongar culture and the significance of animal totems and the importance of looking after each totem. 
  • Learn about the importance of animal totems and looking after Country. 


Location: Woodside Learning Studio 3