Curators & contacts
About our curators

Dr Paul Doughty
Head of Department
Paul Doughty is the Head of Terrestrial Zoology and Curator of Herpetology (reptiles & amphibians) at the Western Australian Museum.

Dr Nikolai Tatarnic
Curator of Entomology
Nikolai is the Curator of Entomology. Nikolai researches the taxonomy and systematics of insects, focusing on Heteroptera (True Bugs), sexual selection and insect mating systems, and performs X-Ray microtomography of insects and other invertebrates.

Dr Kenny Travouillon
Curator Of Mammalogy/Ornithology
Kenny Travouillon is the Curator of Mammalogy (Mammals) and Acting Curator of Ornithology (birds). Kenny researches marsupial evolution, palaeontology and systematics, and the taxonomy of peramelemorphians (bandicoots and bilbies) and macropods (kangaroos and allies), as well as the past and present distribution of marsupials.
Brian Hanich
Technical Officer
Brian is the Technical Officer, Entomology, and as part of this position is responsible for maintaining and organising the preserved and wet and dry collections of insects of around 500,000 dry specimens and estimated over 5,000,000 wet specimens.

Julianne Waldock
Technical Officer
Julianne is the Technical Officer, Arachnology and Myriapodology, and as part of this position researches the taxonomy of a genus of jumping spiders (Salticidae).

Dr Kailah Thorn
Technical Officer
Dr Kailah Thorn is the Technical Officer – Terrestrial Vertebrates, and as part of this position researches the taxonomy and systematics of fossil lizards and snakes, primarily skinks, and the extinction and palaeoecology of Cenozoic vertebrate communities.

Peter Middelfart
Project Officer
Peter is the Project Officer - Terrestrial Zoology, and as part of this position works on the systematics of subterranean pseudoscorpions.

Grace Redfern
Research Officer
Grace Redfern is a Research Officer at the Western Australian Museum.

Arianna Urso
Technical Officer
Arianna's responsibilities include digitisation of genetic sequences for Genetic Resources and imaging of arachnology specimens.