Mid West Immigration Stories
Year Level
Year 6
60 minutes
$5 per student
Bookings are essential
Phone: (08) 9431 8393
Email: geraldton@museum.wa.gov.au
Students step into the shoes of real Mid West immigrants from around the world.
Year 6
Student experience
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify some of the reasons people migrated (e.g. economic migrants)
- Recount some of the challenges faced by migrants on their settlement in Australia
- Describe the ways migrants have contributed to society (population growth, business, culture, infrastructure, religion, festivals, etc.)
- Understand how the use of source material and historical objects can help tell the story of migration
- Acknowledge the role of a specific cultural group (Afghan cameleers) in Australia’s (WA’s Mid West) economic and social development (supplying the interior)
- Understand that all migrant experiences are unique
Skills development
This program links to the following strands of the Western Australian Curriculum:
- Stories of groups of people who migrated to Australia since Federation (including from ONE country of the Asia region) and reasons they migrated (ACHASSK136)
- The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society since Federation (ACHASSK137)