Public Talk: Wonders of the Abrolhos


Saturday 26 April | 10am - 11am

adults, family friendly

Free | Bookings required


This talk is suitable for those aged 12+ 


Wedge Building

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The Museum of Geraldton is fully accessible. Call (08) 9431 8393 for assistance. More about accessibility and amenities >

Hear about the latest research expedition to the Houtman Abrolhos Islands.

Step behind the scenes as Dr Lisa Kirkendale, Head of Aquatic Zoology at the Western Australian Museum gives us an overview of the latest research expedition to the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, where a multi-disciplinary team scientists will be exploring the underwater wonders of this unique environment. 

From searching for new species to documenting historic shipwrecks, we are deepening our understanding of this amazing archipelago. Learn about this important work being done in our own backyard, just off the coast of Geraldton.

Image: Photographer Graeme Gunness.