
ANZANG Nature Photography at WA Museum – Kalgoorlie-Boulder

The ANZANG Nature Photography exhibition will open at the Western Australian Museum – Kalgoorlie-Boulder on 2 March 2012.

ANZANG Nature Photography is an exhibition that celebrates the depth and diversity of nature in Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica and the New Guinea region through the eye of the nature photographer.

WA Museum Regional Manager, Zoe Scott, said as in previous years the exhibition is filled with a high calibre of nature photography that captures the beauty and diversity of this unique region.

“The region possesses a unique natural heritage stretching back over 50 million years since the break-up of the great southern continent of Gondwanaland,” Ms Scott said.

“As in previous years, this year’s exhibition will engage all visitors with breathtaking and thought provoking images.”

This year’s overall winning image by Ofer Levy, Grey-headed Flying Fox drinking water, captures the animal swooping low, skimming the water with its belly.

“This behaviour usually occurs at dusk and night, but when the temperature reaches 35 degrees and above they will drink during the day,” said Mr Levy.

“In order to get this image, I stood in chest-deep water with the camera and lens mounted on a tripod.”

ANZANG Nature Photography focuses on enhancing a general knowledge of this extraordinary area by encouraging photography of its nature and wilderness to stimulate interest in its ongoing conservation.

ANZANG Nature Photography will be on display at the WA Museum – Kalgoorlie-Boulder from 2 March to 4 May, 2012

The ANZANG Nature Photography competition and exhibition is owned by the South Australian Museum.

Media contact:
Flora Perrella, Western Australian Museum
T. 9212 3856  M. 0424 027 646