Ever wondered how a professional conservator would treat a vase or your family quilt? Bring your treasures to the Western Australian Museum – Perth on Friday September 21 for advice from the Museum’s experts.
Western Australian Museum senior conservator Ulli Broeze-Hoernemann said the ‘Caring for your collection; bring your treasures!’ session is a great opportunity to learn how to minimise the damage common environmental factors inflict on a range of objects and materials.
“At home, there are many simple things you can do to ensure important documents and treasured heirlooms are around for many years to come.
“Keeping items out of direct light as much as possible is very important - light does a lot of damage, particularly to textiles and paper, and artificial light can be just as harmful as natural light.
“Checking your framer is using acid-free paper and your items aren’t glued to a backing will make all the difference in ensuring your documents won’t deteriorate over time,” Ms Broeze-Hoernemann said.
Ms Broeze-Hoernemann and colleague Isa Loo will advise on a wide range of objects from metals, ceramics, glass, wood, and leathers, to paper and textiles, certificates, documents, wedding dresses, and clothing.
“I’m always in favour of getting use out of things, but taking the precautions to make sure as little damage is done to it as possible will ensure it’s around to be enjoyed by future generations as well,” Ms Broeze-Hoernemann said.
Entry to the session is by gold coin donation, with bookings essential online at www.museum.wa.gov.au/inthewildwest or by calling 9212 3813.
The Harry Butler lecture series: In the Wild West is proudly presented by the WA Museum in partnership with Chevron Australia. The series showcases the work of Museum scientists, curators and associates in the areas of natural and social sciences.
SESSION: ‘Caring for your collection: bring your treasures!’
WHEN: Friday 21 September, 12 – 3pm
WHERE: Western Australian Museum – Perth, Perth Cultural Centre, James Street, Perth
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL www.museum.wa.gov.au/inthewildwest ...
COST: By gold coin donation
Niki Comparti
Western Australian Museum
6552 7639