Renowned conservationist and naturalist Dr Harry Butler will begin the Western Australian Museum’s 2011 Harry Butler lecture series: In the Wild West, with his public lecture The application of science to our lives.
Dr Butler’s lecture will be held at the WA Museum – Maritime on Friday 17 February 2011, and looks at how translating science into applied science and technology can change our world today and in the future.
For more than 50 years Dr Butler’s work has aimed at establishing guidelines and practices, particularly when working with industry, to utilise available scientific knowledge and technologies to protect the environment.
Drawing on these guidelines Dr Butler will challenge his audience to look at how they view science and the world and how they can care for the environment, holding it in trust for future generations.
The series showcases the work of Museum scientists, curators and associates in the areas of natural and social sciences.
“Such treasure is of little value to everyday life until applied to every day living. To discover a new species may be of general interest, but if that species will cure cancer it is of interest to the world,” Dr Butler said.
The Harry Butler lecture series: In the Wild West is proudly presented by the WA Museum in partnership with Chevron Australia.
LECTURE: The application of science to our lives
WHEN: 7:00pm, Thursday 17 February 2011
WHERE: WA Museum - Maritime, Victoria Quay, Fremantle
COST: Gold coin donation
MEDIA CONTACT: Flora Perrella, Western Australian Museum T: 9212 3856 M: 0424027646