On July 31, 2009, the Fremantle History Museum closed and the objects and artefacts on display moved to the WA Museum's Welshpool collections and research centre for assessment and curatorial conservation work.
Following this work, the objects relevant to the Fremantle region will be relocated for exhibition in the WA Museum’s two other sites in the area, WA Museum Shipwrecks and WA Museum – Maritime.
All pages on this website related to the Fremantle History Museum have been archived and a new subsite focusing on Fremantle and immigration history will be launched in the near future.
Fremantle History Museum staff have been relocated to the Museum's other sites so that no-one has lost their job.
The move has allowed the Fremantle Arts Centre to occupy the space and expand the services it offers to the area’s arts and culture sectors such as studios, courses, seminars, rehearsals as well as arts and commercial tenants, all of which will keep the site accessible to the community. Fremantle Arts Centre has also taken ownership of promoting the site’s heritage story, including the original cell and heritage site display.
The Museum’s presence in Fremantle remains the strongest in the State with the WA Museum – Maritime at Victoria Quay and the WA Museum – Shipwrecks Galleries in Cliff Street.