Prepare to be surprised, excited and quite possibly blown away when Dr Graham Walker presents two dynamic science shows this Wednesday 18 June at the Western Australian Museum – Geraldton.
Explore the explosive world of chemistry and discover gravity-defying water during the family friendly The Big Science Show Off. Dr Walker will also present a lively interactive talk Emotions, motivation and vacuum cleaner bazooka, examining how emotional interaction impacts science communication and how people personally connect with scientific ideas. He will even launch a marshmallow from a vacuum cleaner, as part of the demonstration.
Emotions play a huge part in how we develop an understanding of the world around us, including how we engage with science
Dr Walker said.
“There's something about turning an innocent vacuum cleaner into a marshmallow-firing bazooka that at first surprises, then develops into genuine interest and curiosity, though importantly also brings in something people can relate to from everyday life. Getting people to make these connections between science and their lives - and have fun doing it - is one reason I do what I do. Hopefully people will leave a little more curious."
"The shows will be full of action and interaction. I love to share science with people, so expect astonishing experiments, heaps of fun, audience involvement, stuff people can try at home... and a fair bit they shouldn't!"
Regional Manager of the WA Museum – Geraldton Leigh O’Brien said being able to host events like this provided the Museum with an exciting way of interacting with the local community.
“We’re thrilled to have hands-on, interactive performances like this taking place at the Museum,” Ms O’Brien said.
“Dr Walker’s experience and knowledge is bound to provide insightful entertainment and education for everyone.”
The Big Science Show Off commences at 4pm and Emotions, motivation and vacuum cleaner bazooka commences at 7pm on Wednesday 18 June. Bookings essential on 9921 5080.
Dr Graham Walker’s visit to Geraldton is supported by Inspiring Australia and Scitech.
Jane Rosevear
Media and Publicity Officer
Western Australian Museum
(08) 6552 7805