The thought provoking exhibition ten(T) is proudly being showcased at the Western Australian Museum – Albany from 11 February to 5 March, 2012 as part of the Great Southern Festival.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Festival’s program in Albany and Museum Regional Manager, Rachael Wilshir-Saa, said the Museum is delighted to be hosting part of the Festival program for the fifth year running.
“ten(T) is another exciting opportunity for the Museum to be involved in supporting the Festival,” Ms Wilshir-Saa said.
“The exhibition is presented by MIX Artists, a group of 17 Great Southern artists at the forefront of contemporary art.
“We have hosted two other innovative exhibitions by MIX Artists and ten(T) promises to extend the same high caliber of cultural exposure to the regional community.”
Ms Wilshir-Saa said one of the inspirations for the exhibition’s theme came through the site on which the Museum is located.
“In 1826 the crew of the Brig Amity sailed from Sydney to Albany with instructions of establishing a settlement.
“When the Amity arrived in Albany, one of the crew’s fundamental tasks was to erect tents for shelter.
“With the theme of ‘tent’ in mind, and with a play on the word ‘ten’ for the tenth anniversary of the Great Southern program, the artists have developed a fascinating exhibition of mixed media including sculpture, drawings and installations that will be displayed inside the Museum and within its grounds.
“The Western Australian Museum – Albany is proud to be part of this great Festival that showcases the work of local artists and enriches the arts scene and community in Albany.”
As part of the program, artists will present free floor talks on their artwork at the WA Museum – Albany on Saturday 18 February, 2012 from 2.00pm to 3.00pm. For further information, contact Annette Davis on 0428 922 968.
Ms Wilsher-Saa said the Museum is also very pleased to be a major venue for the Perth International Arts Festival’s Write in the Great Southern.
“This is a great opportunity for the region to engage locally with visiting Australian and international writer’s participating in this year’s Perth Writer’s Festival.
“This exciting program includes writing workshops, radio plays, readings and panel discussion in unique settings, such as aboard the Brig Amity, and shared meals.
Write in the Great Southern begins on Friday 24 February with free performances of the radio plays at Paperbark Merchants. For further information contact the WA Museum – Albany on 9841 4844.
Flora Perrella, Western Australian Museum
T. 9212 3856 M. 0424 027 646