
WA Museum - Albany on a winning streak

  • Highly commended at national Museums Australia awards for The Young Naturalists Club

Public programs developed by WA Museum – Albany demonstrate quality of programs delivered to Great Southern region

The Western Australian Museum – Albany has been acknowledged for the quality of its public programs, receiving two highly commended awards at the Museums and Galleries National Award (MAGNAs) last week.

The acknowledgement recognised the public program The Young Naturalists Club, which was launched by Dr Harry Butler during Science Week in 2010 and encourages children and their families to explore their local environment and its biodiversity.

The second highly commended award was for the Minimuses program which introduces children aged five and under to indigenous Australian fauna through early childhood educational elements and Minang Noongar stories and games.

WA Museum – Albany Regional Manager Rachael Wilsher-Saa said the aim of the Young Naturalists Club program is to build knowledge and interest in the region’s incredible biodiversity among young people and their families.

The Museum’s Young Naturalists Club also played a key role in the City of Albany receiving the Natural Heritage Conservation award at the State Tidy Towns, Sustainable Cities Awards which were presented in Fremantle last week.

“The Young Naturalists Club was acknowledged as being an exemplary model and stand out example of a community based, region wide, intergenerational program leading to positive outcomes in natural heritage conservation.

“The Museum is committed to working and partnering with local communities and to be acknowledged for this role at State and National awards demonstrates the depth and quality of the programs offered in the Great Southern region.”

Fact file: The Young Naturalists Club

Denise Johnson
Manager Media & Communications
Western Australian Museum
T. 9212 3860 M. 0414 381 761