WA Down Under: Secondary
Monday to Friday during term | 10am & 12pm
Science, Science inquiry skills, Science Understanding, Science as a human endeavour, Sustainability
$240 per class (maximum 32 students per class)
Contact education@museum.wa.gov.au or 1300 134 081.
With significant additions to its WA Down Under gallery, the WA Maritime Museum now brings more context and depth to the history of human activity in the water, by examining the species living within it.
Using interactive displays, a diversity of specimens from the Museum’s collection, and real animals in two spectacular aquariums, visitors will gain a new understanding of our fragile aquatic environments. For educators, school visits to the Museum are now enhanced by new opportunities within the Biological Sciences curriculum for secondary students.
The WA Maritime Museum sits at the mouth of the Swan River, beside the remnants of the limestone rock bar whose removal drastically changed the environment of the estuary. From its windows you can see the daily movement of international shipping, bringing prosperity to the state and the risk of new invasive species. The Museum’s galleries explore how humans use the waters around us, from fishing and transport to sport and recreation.
WA Down Under is a permanent upgrade to the WA Maritime Museum, available as part of any self-guided visit. In this facilitated WA Down Under: Systems and change (Secondary) program, students will get a hands-on taste of what scientists do, replicating experiments done in the field. Students will explore sustainability, the impact of human activity and environmental changes in WA’s rivers and oceans, and the management of our resources.
At the Museum
What your class will experience
Students participating in the two-part 120min WA Down Under: Systems and change program will:
Part A: Facilitated workshop (Ground floor of the WA Maritime Museum)
Take part in hands-on activities using specialised equipment. Digital microscopes will be set up to examine species of micro-organisms in water such as plankton, and water testing will be conducted for salinity, oxygen level, acidity and other qualities that may affect marine life.
These activities will allow students to examine vital elements of marine ecosystems that will not otherwise be easily visible to them:
- Microorganisms living in Perth’s surroundings and local waters
- The place of these microorganisms in the food web, and their role in significant events such as algal blooms and ‘fish kills’
- How to examine and consider the physical environmental conditions of local waters (both estuarine and oceanic) to assess what factors may affect microscopic life and other aquatic animals
- How environment changes such as deoxygenation or acidification can impact the species living within it
Part B: Museum Self-Guided Tour (WA Maritime Museum galleries)
Using additional resources supplied as part of this program, students will undertake gallery explorations through the WA Down Under gallery and the Museum’s other displays with a focus on particular species of interest to the Museum’s aquatic zoologists and other experts:
- Fish, crustaceans and molluscs at risk of overfishing, or that provide new opportunities for aquaculture
- Local species that are vulnerable to diseases, parasites or introduced pests
- Whales, seals and other animals hunted in the past, whose conservation programs give us insight into future management of species
- Animals and plants used by Nyoongar people or by Australia’s neighbours in Asia
- Shellfish and coral affected by ocean acidification
An optional third part is also available for students participating in the two-part program. For schools bringing three classes, Part C is incorporated into a 180-minute three-way rotation program. Students in this part will:
Part C: Self-Guided Precinct Walking Trail (Outside the WA Maritime Museum, the Round House Whaler’s Tunnel and Manjaree trail near Bather’s Beach)
- Participate in a self-guided precinct walking trail linked to WA Down Under
- Find some of the geographical features discussed in the Facilitated workshop and Self-guided Museum trail
- Visit the Whaling Tunnel, an early site of commercial use of marine species, and a site of importance to Whadjuk Nyoongar people
- Consider the changes that have occurred in the harbour and the surrounding landscape
- Download the trail via the button below and print one per group leader
- As Victoria Quay is part of Fremantle Ports you can view their emergency plan here
- This part is led by your group leaders
Booking instructions
Step 1 – Creating your class rotation
- We can accommodate up to 3 classes per day – all starting at 10am (start time can be adjusted on request). Before you book, it is important that you create a proposed rotation for your visit so that you are clear on what time your class is participating in the different parts of the program.
- 1 or 2 classes participate in the 120-minute two-part program (with the option of adding the self-guided precinct walking trail).
- If there are 3 classes, all students participate in the 180-minute three-part program, which includes the self-guided precinct walking trail. You can print out and use the following timetable if you wish.
Wet weather alternative: If the weather is too wet for the precinct trail walk, we will arrange an alternative activity for your classes on the day. This will vary depending on other Museum activities. Please be mindful to NOT disturb either of the other groups during this time.
Step 2 – Making a booking
Please send an email to education@museum.wa.gov.au with the following details and we will begin to process your booking.
- Program choice: WA Down Under - Secondary (Yr 9) facilitated program
- Preferred visit dates and session times
- Number of classes & student numbers in each class
- Number of attending adults per class
- Contact Teacher name, email and mobile number
- School
Step 3 – Planning your visit
• Don’t forget to read the Planning Your Visit section (below) so you are prepared for your visit to the Museum.
• If you are booking for more than one class, please share this page with your fellow class teachers.
Please email education@museum.wa.gov.au or call us on 1300 134 081 to discuss other booking options if the above is not suitable.
Booking conditions
• We may need to refuse entry if we are already at capacity at your selected Museum and you haven't pre-booked.
• Each part starts on the hour, and we are unable to shorten the program (especially if you are rotating with another school).
• For the best learning outcome, we recommend a maximum of 32 students per session. A minimum supervisor ratio of 1 adult to 10 students is required, however a ratio of 1 to 6 is preferred for this program.
• Bookings need to be made 14 days before the date of your visit.
• Changes to dates and times are subject to availability.
• Refunds are not available if you cancel your booking within 14 days of your visit.
Curriculum Links
Programs and exhibitions at the WA Museum support teachers in their delivery of the WA Curriculum to their students. The WA Down Under program has been developed concerning the following content description(s) from the Years 5, 6 and 9 Western Australian Curriculum:
Year 9 Science - Science Understanding
Biological Sciences
Multi-cellular organisms rely on coordinated and interdependent internal systems to respond to changes to their environment (ACSSU175)
Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent organisms and abiotic components of the environment; matter and energy flow through these systems (ACSSU176)
Cross-Curriculum Priorities
The program links strongly to the cross-curriculum priority in Science of Sustainability, and there are links to the priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures and Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia.
WA Down Under is a 2-hour package* that consists of the following two components:
For two classes, both classes start at the same time and rotate between the two activities.
• Facilitated hands-on workshop – 60 minutes (approx.)
• Self-guided gallery tour – 60 minutes (approx.)
An optional 60-minute self-guided Precinct Tour is also available to extend your visit.
* For three classes, WA Down Under is three hours long. It includes the two facilitated sessions and the self-guided Precinct Tour as part of the rotations. It cannot be shortened.
Planning your visit
Specific to this program:
• Before arriving at the Museum please have students in each class already organised into SIX groups of 4-6 students for this facilitated program. Having your students already organised into groups will give them more time to enjoy the activity, rather than spending time splitting into groups.
• Before arriving at the Museum please have students in each class already organised into SIX groups of 4-6 students, each with an adult helper, if possible, for the Facilitated component of this program. Having your students already organised into groups will give them more time to enjoy the activity, rather than spending time splitting into groups.
• Some activities in the Facilitated component of the program will require students to wear safety eyewear and disposable gloves, which we will provide.
• Students will require pencils or pens and blank notepaper for the Facilitated and Museum Gallery trail components of the program.
• Students taking part in the optional Precinct Walk will require pencils, a clipboard and a printed copy of their self-guided trail. This learning resource will be supplied upon booking.
• The program starts promptly at 10am and runs for the full 2-3 hours with a short transition period in the middle. There is no time for a snack break during the transition and we strongly recommend that a morning tea break occurs before the program start time. Lunch or recess can also be incorporated into the precinct walk time at teacher’s discretion.
General to WA Maritime Museum:
• On arrival at the Museum, please check in at the Front Desk to confirm your student numbers, booked session times and emergency contact details.
• The Museum is open from 9.30am for access to toilets and storage of bags etc.
• If you are running late, please contact the WA Maritime Museum front desk on 9431 8334, or the Customer Relations Team on 1300 134 081.
• Further information can be found in the WA Maritime Museum Excursion Management Guide.
• Getting to the WA Maritime Museum.