Maritime Archaeology Act Review: Public information session
11 May 2023 | 1pm – 2.30pm
Free event (registration required)
Register for a session via email, at ma.review.consult@museum.wa.gov.au by 10 May 2023
If you cannot attend this in-person session, we have a live-stream event on 11 May 2023.
Site access information
WA Maritime Museum is mostly accessible, excluding tours aboard the HMAS Ovens. Call 1300 134 081 for assistance. More about accessibility and amenities >
The Western Australian Government, through Western Australian Museum (WA Museum), is reviewing the 50-year-old Maritime Archaeology Act 1973 (WA) and proposing changes to align with national legislation and international best practice in maritime archaeology.
The legislation has far-reaching implications, and the changes being proposed are significant. Therefore, WA Museum is undertaking public consultation to seek feedback from as many voices as possible.
This public information session is open to individuals from non-government and community organisations and people with a specific interest in maritime archaeology who would like to understand better the proposed changes to the Maritime Archaeology Act 1973 (WA). Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification.
Notes from the information session will be incorporated into the overall consultation feedback. However, organisations and individuals who attend are still encouraged to submit feedback through the online consultation capturing tool, by email or by post.