Virtual Exhibition - Fremantle Then & Now: Historical Panoramas
Explore Fremantle in this award-winning exhibition through sweeping panoramas taken from the 1800s to the modern day.
Through seven different vantage points across the port city spanning 155 years, Fremantle Then & Now: Historical Panoramas showcases the changing face of Fremantle.
Explore connected themes including local photographers and photography studios, pre-colonial history, convict influence, the development and significance of the port, goldrush buildings and legacy, and street life.
Modelled on the award-winning Fremantle Then & Now: Historical Panoramas exhibition at the WA Maritime Museum, this immersive online exhibition invites visitors to enjoy all elements of the physical exhibition through the WA Museum website.
You can also watch the incredible panoramic tours at the WA Maritime Museum, on permanent display near the Cargoes and Fremantle galleries.
For the best experience, view the virtual exhibition on a desktop or laptop computer with your browser in full-screen mode.
Fremantle Then & Now: Historical Panoramas at WA Maritime Museum