Tropical to Temperate; A Journey Under The Waters Of Western Australia
Cliff Street, Fremantle / Walyalup
Friday 23 December 2022 – Sunday 26 March 2023
Free exhibition | WA Shipwrecks Museum
Take a peek below the water’s surface into a wonderous world along the WA coastline in an extraordinary view that not everyone gets to see.
See the wonders of the ocean captured from local photographers in a visual journey from the clear warm tropics in the north, to the cool temperate reefs in the south.
You'll discover the marine environment of Western Australia is incredibly diverse, and incredibly big! With critters that look like they’re from another world, to coral reef cities built by millions of tiny creatures, the waters of WA host remarkable ecosystems, plants and animals.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of our state’s underwater world.
An exhibition by the Western Australia Underwater Photographic Society.
Sponsored by Ilford Imaging Australia and Team Digital.