The Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year 2020 exhibition will open at the Museum of Geraldton on Saturday 8 May 2021. This breathtaking exhibition allows us to witness the unique beauty of the flora, fauna and landscapes of our own back yard and the world arou
Research which notes the impact of climate change on the evolution of Australia’s native bilbies and bandicoots has featured on the cover of the prestigious Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The article was authored by the Western Australian Museum’s Mammals Curator Dr Kenny Travouillon.
The award-winning exhibition capturing a decade of social and environmental change within the small fishing communities of the Abrolhos Islands will go on display at the Western Australian Maritime Museum, Fremantle, from September 7.
The Western Australian Museum Geraldton, along with Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (NACC) and Pollinators Inc, are holding a public morning tea at the Museum on Tuesday 17 January, 2012 to celebrate the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All.
Climate Change: Our Future, Our Choice has been unveiled as the new temporary exhibition at the Western Australian Museum – Geraldton.
The Western Australian Museum’s Collection Manager of the Simpson Mineral Collection, Dr Geoff Deacon, will present a public lecture on the use of microfossils and macrofossils in understanding climate and sea-level change in WA.