A Call to Climate Action: In Conversation with Bill Hare
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WA Museum Boola Bardip presents In Conversation series two:
/ˈtɪpɪŋ pɔɪnt/ a time during an activity or process when an important decision has to be made or when a situation changes completely.
Western Australia is a land of unique landscapes that have created and shaped many diverse communities.
Through this connection to the land, Western Australians often witness the early effects of global climate change.
While we have everything we need to slow and ultimately halt this, scientists agree we have reached a tipping point with very little time to avert the most catastrophic consequences.
Across six carefully-curated panel discussions, leading Western Australian thinkers will come together to discuss the realities of climate change in our region and the opportunities to accelerate our climate response.
A safe place for compelling conversations — challenge your thinking and broaden your perspectives.
A Call to Climate Action
The Master Mind...
Dr Bill Hare is a career climate scientist and world-leading climate policy expert with over thirty years of experience in the science, impacts and policy responses to climate change.
He is a Nobel laureate, adjunct Professor of Energy at Murdoch University and co-founder of the global science-based think tank Climate Analytics, playing an active role in the development of the international climate regime through the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
So why isn't he a household name?
The third instalment in the Tipping Point series is a unique opportunity to hear this homegrown superstar in the climate science arena recount his story and share his expert opinions on the urgent action necessary for our survival.
In Conversation is held in Hackett Hall under the blue whale. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
A licensed bar is available throughout the event.

Meri Fatin | Facilitator
A chance opportunity to bring the chief architect of the Paris Climate Agreement, Christiana Figueres, to Perth in March 2020 has changed Meri Fatin’s life.
Later that year she was guest curator of the TEDxPerth COUNTDOWN: WA Climate Leadership Summit, which led her to found WA Climate Leaders, driving a vision to inspire big picture action from the State’s decision-makers in this critical decade.

Bill Hare | Panellist
Bill Hare is a physicist, climate scientist and CEO of non-profit science and policy institute Climate Analytics. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Energy at Murdoch University.
He has contributed to the development of the international climate regime since 1989. Bill was a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, led the influential World Bank Turn Down the Heat reports series in 2013-2014, and is one of the leaders of the Climate Action Tracker.
He has been described as the “go-to climate advisor” of the most vulnerable countries, particularly the small island states (SIDS) and the least developed countries (LDCs).
10 Jun | Politics of the Precipice
19 Aug | Feeding a Warming Planet / National Science Week
09 Sept | A Call to Climate Action / In Conversation with Bill Hare
14 Oct | Creative Energy / Reimagining Worlds & Rediscovering Hope in Culture & Arts
11 Nov | Healing Country / NAIDOC Week
09 Dec | End Game / Adaption, Regeneration & Strategies for Survival
Event details for future panels announced soon.