Curating Virtual Realms
Saturday 30 April | 1pm – 2pm
Standard | $10
Concession | $8
Ticket grants $5 off entry to Virtual Realms exhibition
Site access information
WA Museum Boola Bardip is fully accessible. Call 1300 134 081 for assistance. Accessible resources and programs >
Collaboration is at the heart of the Virtual Realms exhibition, with six new collaborative partnerships being formed between leading game designers and renowned media artists.
Co-curated by Patrick Moran, Acting Head of the Barbican, London and the celebrated video game designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi (also the founder of Enhance), Virtual Realms transforms the concepts and creativity of videogames into six experiential realms, with each section holding a single installation by each video game developer/media designer team.
Join us to hear from Testsuya Mitzuguchi and Patrick Moran in discussion on the curatorial design which lead to the exhibition's creation.
Image: Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Virtual Realms Co-curator
Games Matters
Join us for a series of fascinating discussions inspired by the dynamic experience, Virtual Realms, exploring new realms in game and exhibition design.
Across the series we will look at the importance of collaborations between artforms, how games are influencing other media industries and how games can raise awareness of social issues.
In this series:
Saturday 30 April | Curating Virtual Realms
Sunday 1 May | Blurring the lines
Sunday 15 May | New frontiers
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