WA Stories

In collaboration with Perth Symphony Orchestra, explore a new chamber music series for the 21st century.

Dive into a spellbinding odyssey where extraordinary music, captivating visuals and vivid narration intertwine to unveil stories of renowned and forgotten WA brilliance across time.

A truly unique and immersive experience under Otto the blue whale in Hackett Hall at WA Museum Boola Bardip, transporting audiences through time and space.

WA Stories promises to be a memorable and enriching journey, inviting audiences to walk in the shoes of a West Australian legend.

Friday 16 August | 7pm 9pm*
Saturday 17 August  | 7pm 9pm*

*Times are approximate and subject to change at any time

Immerse yourself in the remarkable narrative of Benedictine monk turned composer, philosopher, philanthropist, and advocate for Aboriginal communities in New Norcia.

Friday 27 September | 7pm 9pm*
Saturday 28 September | 7pm 9pm*

*Times are approximate and subject to change at any time.

Step into the captivating journey of Lucette Aldous, a petite dancer who enchanted the legendary Nureyev and left an indelible markon Western Australia.

Friday 11 October | 7pm 9pm
Saturday 12 October | 7pm 9pm

Experience a heartfelt adaptation, narrated by Facey’s own grandchild, alongside some of the most beautiful music ever written, portraying this remarkable tale, a narrative that has touched countless hearts and illuminated the profound beauty within a life well-lived.