Ever wondered how the WA Museum discovers and preserves Western Australia's most precious objects? Find out in a series of free behind-the-scenes tours at the WA Museum Shipwreck Galleries in Fremantle from Tuesday May 21.
- Vergulde Draeck (Gilt Dragon) shipwreck discovered 50 years ago
- Find sparks ground-breaking protective legislation, research and conservation
- Wrecks and artefacts key to exploring shared cultural heritage
A commemorative display to mark the 100th anniversary of the fateful story of the disappearance of the SS Koombana in March 1912 has been developed and will be on display at the WA Maritime Museum from 24 March, 2012.
Geraldton historian Max Cramer was one of the driving forces behind the push for a suitable museum in which to house the relics from early shipwrecks off the Mid West coast.