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Inspired by a map of endangered languages, Martine Perret’s life-long exploration of culture and language has brought her to the WA Museum Boola Bardip for a special exhibition called Belong: Language connecting feeling, culture, country.


Michael Haluwana’s fascination with a camera started as a child. His father, a navy master diver, had a camera which used film and Michael was always allowed to shoot the last five frames of each roll.


A survey made available by the Council of Australian Museum Directors (CAMD) has found that 78 million visitors attend its 22 museums onsite or online over the past year. These large numbers are in part because museums are some of the most trusted institutions in society.


Often cloaked in myth, the stories of spies are sometimes stranger than fiction.

Spy: espionage in Australia reveals the personal experiences of secret agents and the curious history of espionage and counter-espionage in Australia, from Federation through to the present day.
