Perth's monthly family and community choir is led by Queency from the WA Bad Ass Gospel Choir.
Second Wednesday of the month | 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Set your alarm clock for a meditative sunrise listening session with Jane Stark and Josiah Padmanabham set against the backdrop of the sunrise.
Thursday 3 April | 6.30am – 8am
Doors | 6am
Performance | 6.30am
Set your alarm clock for a meditative listening session set against the backdrop of the sunrise.
Saturday 3 May | 6.30am - 8am
Doors | 6am
Performance | 6.30am - 7.10am Joe Caddy | 7.20am - 8am Simone & Girlfunkle
Thursday 8 May | 7pm – 9pm
Set your alarm clock for a meditative listening session set against the backdrop of the sunrise.
Thursday 5 June | 6.30am - 8am
Doors | 6am
Performance | 6.30am