Curators & contacts
About our curators
Dr Lisa Kirkendale
Head of Department
Lisa has been working at the WAM since 2013, where she started as the Curator of Molluscs. Since 2019 she has also been the Head of Department and in this capacity, leads the AZ team of vibrant scientists to better understand the diversity and distribution of fish, molluscs, marine invertebrates including corals, sponges, echinoderms, as well as crustaceans and worms in WA.
Dr Glenn Moore
Curator of Fishes
Glenn has been researching Western Australia’s fishes for more than 30 years, and as the Curator of Fishes and is recognised as an authority for the identification and taxonomy of both marine and freshwater fishes.
Dr Andrew Hosie
Andrew’s research focusses on documenting the biodiversity of crustaceans and worms from some of Australia's most remote and deep habitats including the Indian Ocean Territories, Gascoyne Marine Park and coastal Kimberley reefs.
Dr Zoe Richards
Curator (Marine Invertebrate Zoology)
Associate Professor Zoe Richards is the Curator of Marine Invertebrates at the Western Australian Museum and leader of the Coral Conservation and Research Group at Curtin University.
Ana Hara
Technical Officer (Crustacea Section)
Ana Hara has joined the Aquatic Zoology team in 2012. She was previously involved in a large-scale marine biodiversity survey of the Brazilian coast and in research of pinnipeds in Western Australia (completing a Master’s degree investigating New Zealand fur seal ecology).
Corey Whisson
Technical Officer
Corey has been a Collection Technical Officer in the Mollusc Section of the Western Australian Museum for over 20 years. During this time, he has participated in many mollusc collecting fieldtrips.
Oliver Gomez
Technical Officer
Oliver Gomez is the Technical Officer for the Marine Invertebrate Zoology Section at the Western Australian Museum. He has a BSc in Biological Sciences with a minor in Molecular Biology from Murdoch University.
Jenelle Ritchie
Technical Officer (Fishes)
Jenelle Ritchie is the Technical Officer for Fishes at the Western Australian Museum. She has a BSc in Conservation Biology from Murdoch University, and been employed as a science technical officer at the Museum since 2009.