Curators & contacts
Diver recovering a beardman jug from the Batavia wreck site, 1973.
© WA Museum, BT/A/133
About our curators

Corioli Souter
Head of Maritime Heritage
Corioli Souter is a curator, archaeologist, and Head of the Department of Maritime Heritage.

Ross Anderson
Ross Anderson is a maritime historian and archaeologist, and is currently President of the Australasian Association of Maritime History (AAMH).

Deb Shefi
Deb Shefi has worked domestically and abroad as a maritime archaeologist and diver.

Theresa Archer
Theresa Archer has worked in Western Australian cultural organisations for over ten years, with a background in social history and cultural heritage management and interpretation.

Aurora Philpin
Assistant Curator
Aurora Philpin is a maritime archaeologist, coxswain and experienced diver.

David O’Sullivan
Assistant Curator
David O’Sullivan is a maritime and social historian that has worked both domestically and abroad in the museum and cultural heritage sector.

Arabella McLeay
Assistant Curator
Arabella Mcleay is a maritime archaeologist and scientific diver with experience working in the museum and cultural heritage sector. She has contributed to both underwater and terrestrial archaeological research and community projects across Australia and New Zealand.